Why is Window Replacement Important?
Window replacement can easily be pushed to the bottom of your to-do list; there are a number of factors that can cost you money if you ignore the need. As homes age, they can be susceptible to air drafts, thermal leaks, and water leaks. Foggy or outdated windows can be a real eyesore and simple window replacement can breathe new life into the overall look of your home.
At Desert King Windows, our team of highly-trained and certified professionals can assist you with a personalized in-home estimate, saving you the hassle of a potential botched DIY job and also save you money. Our window replacement options are designed to provide you with a beautiful view while keeping your wallet padded.
Why Replace Your Windows?
Aside from broken windows, there are more subtle ways that old windows can chip away at your budget without you realizing the full extent. Air leaks can occur that let your heat or AC sneak out of your window. Replacing windows will eliminate these leaks so your furnace or air conditioning don’t have to work as hard to regulate your home. A little draft may not seem like a big deal, but rest assured you will notice the difference on your electricity bill after having your windows replaced. Having well-fitted windows can also keep bugs from infiltrating your home, as well as moisture. Sometimes windowsills can begin to rot, so replacing them can also be necessary to assure your windows have a snug, secure fit.
The Window Replacement Process
Many people will try to save money by replacing their windows themselves, which can create even more leaks if they’re not properly and securely installed. At Desert King Windows, we have quick and qualified installation options that can fit any budget and make sure to treat your home with respect. We put down tarps to ensure that the only change we make to your home is your new windows, and not the carpet or dented walls. Depending on factors, such as the size of your home, each window takes us an average of 45 minutes to replace. Our average project takes between one to two days, depending on how many windows need replacing.
We recommend replacing all your windows at once to keep the appearance of your home looking uniform. We offer a number of financing options with low monthly payment plans to help you pay for everything up front. If you prefer to replace your windows in phases, we recommend replacing at least four windows at a time and complete one side of the house during each stage.
Learn More About Your Window Replacement Options
At Desert King Windows, we understand the importance of your window replacement project. We are available to assist you in your selections, taking great pride in our customer service. In the Phoenix area, call us at 480-785-3923 or use our Contact form at www.desertkingwindows.com to learn more about our available options and how we can help you select the perfect windows. We proudly serve clients in Phoenix, Tucson, and Las Vegas.
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