The Importance of UV Windows
Maintaining good health is associated with a healthy diet and regular physical activity. Although this could be a good way to live a healthy life, we tend to forget about other dangerous sources: exercise and healthy living because illness is caused from inside. However, external factors like UV rays are also a threat to our health. This has led dermatologists to reinforce the need for UV windows if one sits near a window for a longer period.
What are UV Windows?
UV rays are a form of electromagnetic radiation originating from the sun or other unnatural sources like welding torches. UV windows contain an extra film to provide a barrier in peoples’ houses from ultraviolet radiation. Apart from occupants being protected, the interior furnishing is protected. in most cases, the normal glass window only protects one type of UV rays and not the other increasing the number of cancer cases.
What Can UV Rays Do to Your Assets?
The UV damage to the assets is much more s it can on your skin. Your furniture can lose color and look old from the effect of the UV rays. Protecting your assets by investing in UV windows from Desert King Windows is essential. They have a double panel that will block the rays from reaching your assets.
How Can You Enhance Your Window’s UV Protection?
There are only two types of UV protection that can be enhanced on your windows and protect you from the sun rays. They include:
- Low-E windows. Low-E windows will reflect any infrared lights and at the same time allow the visible spectrum through. This assures you enough light while still protecting yourself from the dangerous UV rays. All the excess heat from the solar radiation is blocked from your house.
- Protective UV film. This film creates a barrier between the harmful UV rays and the building occupants and interior furnishings.
Why have UV-protected windows?
- Protect the individuals in your home. UV rays do not affect only people outside; skin cancer affects you even when you are in your own house. They can lead to so many health problems. UV-protected windows give you all the protection you need against harmful radiation without going for other options that will block you from natural lights. They also regulate the amount of light that shines through your window, making it easier on your eyes.
- Extend the life of walls and other furnishings. UV rays cause material damage to things in your houses like wall decoration, flooring, and furniture. Most of the furniture is discolored in sunlight. UV windows reflect infrared radiation that prevents heat gain and heat loss in the winter season.
Learn More About Your UV Window Options
UV windows are also important if you need an extra insulation layer. Are you looking for ways to keep your family and the entire home safe from the harmful UV rays? The expert team at Desert King Windows has you covered. We are always ready to help our customers choose the best energy-efficient windows, as well as entry and patio doors for their home. We are available to assist you in your selections, taking great pride in our customer service. In the Phoenix area, call us at 480-785-3923 or use our Contact form at www.desertkingwindows.com to learn more about our available options and how we can help you select the perfect UV windows. We serve clients in Phoenix, Tucson, and Las Vegas.
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