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Why Homeowners Love Vinyl Windows
July 29, 2022 / in Windows and Doors  / by Gene Kirzhner

Desert King Can Help with Replacement Windows

If you had a strict budget when you first built your home, it may be time for replacement windows. If it has been 25 years or more, there’s probably little time to waste.

The Weather Can Be Torture

There is nothing kind about desert environments, especially when it comes to our homes. The experts at Desert King Windows suggest that UV rays and extreme swings in temperature (such as a recent record-setting high of 128) can age a home quickly if the right materials aren’t used during the building process. Windows are especially important.

Those UV rays can force your air conditioner to work harder and can cause wood-frame windows to fail under the pressure.

What Kind of Windows Should I Buy?

There are many different types of windows, but some aren’t designed for the heat of Arizona and Nevada.

  • Wood frames can get damp, then overheated, causing warping, unsightly paint cracks, and windows that won’t open but still have a draft that lets all your cool air out.
  • Fiberglass windows can turn yellow, especially those that spend the most time exposed to the sun.
  • Builder-grade vinyl windows are usually cheap and don’t help insulate your home one bit.

Desert King Windows with vinyl frames, however, are several steps above cheaper, builder-grade vinyl, which can discolor or warp. The best solution to your desert home is windows built specifically for the climate, which Desert King offers.

Don’t Waste Money When Replacing Windows

While it might be tempting to purchase cheaper windows, Desert King offers financing plans that work into your budget. If you don’t take into consideration the impact such punishing heat has on your windows, you could find yourself replacing cheaper, unsuitable versions in 10 years. That’s no savings at all.

Within a day or two, depending on how many windows and doors you’d like to replace, Desert King will have your entire house completed, with fresh, insulated, draft-free windows. They recommend replacing everything at once to maintain a uniform look to your home, which is why they offer financing programs that work for most budgets.

If you’re considering selling your home any time in the future, leaving in old windows can completely derail a deal, since window replacement on top of the cost of a home can be out of a buyer’s reach. Install replacement windows first. You can ask for a higher selling price and those lovely new windows will be a real selling point.

If you have shabby windows, if your home stays hot no matter how low the air conditioner is turned down, if drafts leave you chilled during cooler winter months, it’s time for replacement windows.

Learn More About Your Window Replacement Options

At Desert King Windows, we understand the importance of your window replacement project. We are available to assist you in your selections, taking great pride in our customer service. In the Phoenix area, call us at 480-785-3923 or use our Contact form at www.desertkingwindows.com to learn more about our available options and how we can help you select the perfect windows. We proudly serve clients in Phoenix, Tucson, and Las Vegas.

Desert King Windows – We Knock Out the Weather!